No more terrible stretches for me. Mommy and Daddy took me to the chiropractor and it turns out my second piece of my spine was out of place. They put it back and released pressure from the bottom of my spine. No more head leaning. I am feeling much better and no longer have to get my head all pushed around. Daddy says he is not sure why so many people do not like chiropractors. He was kind of leary of them at first too. But the therapist said it would be a year of stretching to fix my neck, and the chiropractor seems to have fixed in just two weeks. A nice lady in our church, Dee, who works at her brother's practice where I went didn't seem surprised. Daddy seems to think that even though it seems everyday to Dee, he thinks it is a miracle and is very happy that I am doing better.
Okay, well daddy has had some problems getting pictures uploaded but promises to get the picture of the quilt up as soon as he can. Oh also my friend and neighbor,
Lucy, is doing great too.